

Four Ways to Boost Productivity

William Saffel

William Saffel

Content Writer

Four Ways to Boost Productivity


According to the Gallup poll, approximately 70% of American workers are engaged in remote or freelance employment. When it comes to productivity, which many thought would suffer during the remote work revolution, Forbes found that workers found themselves to be 35-40% more productive. So where does that increase in productivity come from, why do we see it in some companies but not others, what can we do to inspire even greater results, and how can these efforts create value across collaborating firms and teams?



The benefits of collaboration in remote teams may not be what you think. Sure, collaboration is always going to spark creativity, camaraderie and generally lead to better results, but in the remote environment, despite the distance, collaboration is just easier.

But before we get into that, any company, either fully remote or partially, will want to capitalize on collaboration and communication tools. We primarily use Slack for a variety of different types of communication and collaboration as well as Loom to record videos and Google Hangouts for meetings.

Statistically though, what is often reported is that collaboration in the work environment is more convenient. It provides flexibility and helps team members feel more respected, which 79% of employees in a survey said fostered loyalty to a company. Compound this with the cost savings for employees and their companies - no commutes, no lunches out, and no office.

But how does this translate into productivity? Simply put, when we feel respected and happy, we’re more productive and we work about 12% harder.



Autonomy is essential for higher productivity in remote work environments, as it allows workers to take ownership of their work, make decisions, and work at their own pace. By giving remote workers the freedom to work independently, companies can tap into their unique strengths and allow them to be more creative and innovative. This can lead to improved work quality and increased efficiency, as remote workers are able to work on tasks that best suit their skills and expertise.

Moreover, remote workers feel more valued and trusted when they are given the autonomy to act on their own accord. When employees feel trusted and empowered, they are more likely to be motivated, committed, and productive. This can result in lower turnover and better retention, as remote workers are more likely to stay with the company long-term.

Autonomy is great for capable employees, but can also lead to cost savings for companies, as remote workers find themselves able to work more efficiently and effectively. With less time spent on micromanagement and more time spent on high-value tasks, remote workers can increase their productivity and help the company to achieve its goals.

To sum it up, autonomy is essential for higher productivity in remote work environments. By empowering remote workers to take ownership of their work and make decisions, companies can tap into their unique strengths, increase employee satisfaction, and ultimately achieve better results. By investing in their employees and fostering autonomy, companies can build a more successful and sustainable business. So how do we build an environment that allows employees to be autonomous?



In a remote work environment, clear and consistent communication is key to ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Whether it's through video conferencing, instant messaging, or project management tools, having a variety of communication methods available can help remote teams stay connected and collaborate effectively. Regular team check-ins or standups, for example, can provide an opportunity for team members to share updates, ask questions, and resolve any issues in real-time.

Effective communication can also lead to a more positive work culture, as remote workers feel supported and included in the decision-making process. When team members feel valued and included, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged, which can lead to higher levels of productivity. Additionally, with open and transparent communication, remote teams can build trust, which is essential for maintaining a positive work environment.

Furthermore, remote work can also provide companies with access to a wider pool of talent, as they can hire employees from anywhere in the world. To ensure that remote employees are effectively integrated into the team and are able to contribute to the company's success, it's important to have clear communication policies and protocols in place. This can help to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities, knows how to access the resources they need, and understands how to communicate with their colleagues effectively.

Communication is a crucial factor for success in remote work environments. By promoting open and transparent communication, remote teams can work more effectively, build trust, and achieve higher levels of productivity. By investing in communication, companies can benefit from a more connected and motivated workforce, which can lead to improved bottom-line results.


Hire the Best

None of this works if companies don’t hire appropriately. Hiring individuals with strong soft and hard skills is essential for higher productivity in remote work environments. Soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and time management, are important for remote workers to effectively collaborate with their colleagues and navigate the challenges of remote work. Hard skills, such as technical proficiency and specialized knowledge, are also crucial for remote employees to perform their job duties efficiently and effectively. You’ll need both if you want to push productivity to its limits.

By hiring individuals with both strong soft and hard skills, companies can ensure that their remote workers have the necessary skills to excel in their roles. This can lead to improved work quality, increased efficiency, and higher productivity. Furthermore, employees who have strong soft and hard skills are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their work, which can result in lower turnover and better retention.

Companies that hire individuals with strong soft and hard skills are also better positioned to scale their business and achieve their goals. With a workforce that has the necessary skills and expertise to perform their job duties effectively, companies can focus on growing their business and achieving their long-term objectives. By investing in their employees, companies can improve their bottom-line results and build a more successful and sustainable business.

None of the other tips work without the right people. Hiring individuals with strong soft and hard skills is essential for higher productivity in remote work environments. By investing in their employees and providing them with the necessary skills and training, companies can create a more motivated, engaged, and productive workforce, which can lead to improved bottom-line results.



By focusing on the 4 areas of productivity - collaboration, autonomy, communication, and hiring - firms can create a culture of success within the remote office. Though remote work is a great way to attract top talent, it presents its own unique challenges. Over time, new tools, processes, operational best practices, and cultural or workplace norms will redefine the post-Covid remote work environment. Watch this space for more of those insights as we unpack success in 2023.

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